How do we adapt to an unknown future?

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Our country is under quarantine. We have received the Stay at Home orders, but it’s a daily struggle to adapt. Separated from the outside word, we are growing weary and frustrated after 2 months of this “new normal.” We watch and read the news, anxiously looking for clear, proven facts and answers to when this will all end. It seems like the experts have answers, but their answers are constantly changing because there is too much that is unknown.

The Unknown. It can be scary not to know what is coming next. You would think we would be used to it, but The Unknown never gets easier to accept. Each day is a mystery. Even though we establish daily routines to add consistency to our lives, the bottom line is we are in a constant state of change. So, how do we adapt? Although the future is unknown to us, the best way to adapt to change is to stop fighting it or trying to figure it out. Instead, have faith. We have to wait and trust that God will provide the answers when the time is right. We have to remember that our timing is different from God’s timing.

Proverbs 16:1-3: “To humans belong the plans of the heart, but from the Lord comes the proper answer of the tongue. All a person’s ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the Lord. Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.”

We have free will but God has the final word. We can trust God because He is faithful to provide for all of our needs. As believers and followers of Jesus, we are blessed because we don’t have to walk through The Unknown alone. The future may be uncertain but, when we put our full faith in God, we let Him lead the way and reveal to us His plan for our lives. We pray and listen to God for direction. We sit in His silence and it is there we find peace and comfort knowing He is with us always. He is our comforter. He is our hope.

Psalm 62:5: “Yes, my soul, finds rest in God; my hope comes from Him.”

Despite everything we are currently experiencing together, we always have HOPE. In Romans 15, Paul refers to the Lord as “the God of hope.” We are never hopeless because we are followers of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. He is an endless source of hope and possibility. When we run to our Father and ask Him to restore our hope, He does! The emotions and turmoil we may be feeling inside are not of God. Our Heavenly Father is “the God of hope” who sent His Son, Jesus, to save us. Before all others, put your faith in Him who defeated death on our behalf. The Unknown is no match for God!! God’s power is mightier than any trial that may come our way. We will make it through this, stronger in faith and wisdom.

woman working from home
Photo by Gustavo Fring on

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I pray protection over your households. I pray God’s peace over your life. I pray that the answers we seek will be revealed in God’s perfect timing so we may know what to do next. I pray for the scientific experts and our leaders to respond with caution, looking out for our well-being so lives can be spared. Most importantly, I pray that God will strengthen our faith and bring us closer to Him. Amen.

Does Prayer Work?

man tattooed praying
Photo by Ric Rodrigues on

We pray everyday that this virus will be wiped from the world. We pray that our lives and our livelihood will be restored. We pray for families with sick loved ones, and for those who are grieving the loss of friends or family members to the virus.

We all have so many prayers that need answering. We pray and pray…but is it working? Is God hearing our prayers and is a resolution coming soon? I can answer those questions confidently. YES! Even though we may not see it, God is making a way. Even though it may not be happening as quickly as we would like, God’s timing is perfect.

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. – Mark 11:24

To continue reading this devotional, click this link —-> Does Prayer Work?

Why Are You Worried?

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Photo by Emiliano Arano on

People are drowning in worries right now. I see the social media posts. I can hear the pain and fear in my friends’ words. How do we get our heads above water? How can we better manage our anxiety and fears? Faith is the answer. God is the answer! Plug into His peace and give it to God. Not just some of our worries… give it ALL to Him!

Click here to read more via Why Are You Worried?