

There are lots of great Daily Devotion resources online and in print. Thanks for choosing to follow my blog, and I hope that these devotions will be an encouragement to you – a daily dose of God’s Word. Please click the FOLLOW button below to receive an email each time I post.

-Katie Carnahan


Since beginning this blog in February 2016, I can’t begin to express what a blessing it has been for me to hear from readers who have shared how they have heard God’s voice through these devotionals. God’s ability to speak through us to encourage others is simply miraculous. People ask me how I come up with the topics but the beauty is, I don’t come up with them. God leads me to the words He wants me to share. Not only am I teaching God’s Word to others through this blog but I am also learning more about Him and His plan for my life through this process. Thank you so much for reading.

*NOTE: This is a personal blog and is not associated any specific church. 

Please feel free to add a comment to the About page or any of the blog posts. I love hearing from you! 

6 thoughts on “About

  1. The Lord is with you in this Ministry and I will and the Church will keep praying for abundant harvest of souls for this young adult fellowship.
    I would keep the invitation and the message brief.
    Adopt a mission statement if you have not done so.
    Pastor Harold

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You want to know of a miracle? I have been searching and searching to find a way on earth to gain peace of mind. After learning and reading about nearly every major religion and sub religion I can find, it only emboldened my false belief that there is no God. How could there be when there are and have been so many religions I would ask myself? I Even took theology classes in college. I stopped searching for a while, but Jesus kept coming into my life. I would see him. So, I knew that I needed to stop searching and accept that God has called me to be a Christian. But how do I do it? I wanted to go to church so badly, for years actually, I would tell myself I’m just going to go-alone and sit in the pew and no one would notice me. I mapped searched for churches around my apartment at the time or my house and I never ever told anyone. I was hesitant. I would make an excuse. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do in Church. What if I did something wrong and ask me who and why I was there? I was raised Muslim. I would make excuses such as, I’m just confused, being raised Muslim and learning about 100s of religions confused me. But still I saw signs and still, I was Determined to go to a church. Honestly, I knew more about the Bible than the Koran (what does that mean?) So, my first step was to join a group that met Thursday nights. These folks were christians and it was a group for people facing hardships. So no, not for me, although I was facing my own hardships I felt like a fraud; I couldn’t play along in order to find a way to church. So, one day, a couple days later, as I was scrolling through my many friends posts on Facebook, I stopped at Katie’s devotional. I read it as I often do and sent her a message Saturday night, non suspiciously commenting on how much I liked it. “Thanks Marwan, would you like to go to church with me tomorrow?” My answer, An unequivocal yes. I went. I felt the love of the people there, and I felt the love of Jesus Christ as I let him in my heart. A sense of relief took over my life. Sometimes tears when I think about it. Is it a miracle that I saw Katie’s message in a haystack of Facebook posts Yes. Is it a miracle that she asked me to go to church with her? Yes. Maybe it’s just Katie. Thank you Katie.


      1. Thank you, my friend. Thank you for your honesty and courage in posting this. Thank you for sharing your testimony. Thank you for finally hearing and listening to God’s voice. He has a great plan for your life. I pray that He will bring you patience as His plan comes into view and peace as you wait. You are His child and you are loved. I’m so happy for you.


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